Work From Home And Make Extra Money With A Blog


Making money from your blog, while not the toughest thing you’ve ever done, may well not be the simplest either!

If you’re just starting out I would suggest you set-up a Blogspot blog. They are free and simple to monetize. Blogspot, also called Blogger, is owned by Google so setting up AdSense is really a snap.

If you are going to try to earn some extra money blogging I would opt for a hosted blog. Why? Because a hosted blog (from my experience) is simpler to rank in the serps (search engine results page.) If you would find it hard to part with the $10.00 or so monthly for hosting than a Blogger blog is the way to go.

Which ever way you choose to go with, you will have to make content for your new blog. A excellent way to do this is to pick a niche (the subject of your blog) that you have some knowledge about, or better yet have some real expertise in. Why? Because you will find writing content to be much simpler and quicker if you don’t have to do any research, you can just write.

If making money online from your blog is part of your plot, you should choose a niche (the topic of your blog) with ready-to-buy customers. How do you do this? You get into you visitors heads and figure out what they will want or need, and then you simply supply that want or need in the pages of your blog. You can turn a simple small blog into a money making machine!

Want to work from home and make a ton of money online? Start with a blog, it will help you build confidence, a following, learn how to write well (practice makes perfect), make online friends (you may need joint-venture partners later) and who knows maybe make more money than you ever thought possible!

If you choose a niche you are passionate about some of your readers will share your passion and become part of your community of like minded individuals. Work within this community, build relationships, cause in the end that’s what making money online is all about (to my way of thinking anyways) building relationships, and working with people.

Remember blogging can be fun, so relax and try to delight in it. You may find you want to expand and start another blog…and another…and who knows this could be the start of something huge!

Want to learn more about making money online?? Learn toMake Money Running A Successful Online Blog or visit my main site and turn your blog into a Blog That Will Earn You Extra Money Online

Tags: Blogging, cash blog, earn extra money with a blog, ecommerce, Entrepreneurs, finance, home business, Internet marketing, make money online, Marketing, mmo, Online Business, Online Promotion, sales


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